a new season
“you’ve been blossoming all along.”
2019 is more than a new year. It is a new season of my life. My first months of my thirties have also been my first months of motherhood. And with the arrival of my little earth angel, so too has a new version of my self arrived.
This past March, my little flower business turned three. For three years I've been lucky enough to arrange with remarkable blooms, create vast installations and learn from my mentor. I’ve cultivated relationships with other small businesss owners and wedding industry professionals, something I admit is difficult for me as an introvert. Moreso, I’ve been thinking deep thoughts as to how C L E M E N T I N E will function with a baby and grow to meet the needs of my community.
In June, I will be hosting my first official workshop, where I hope to inspire you to embrace your creativity in flower arranging. Summer has so many gorgeous blooms—it will be an unforgettable experience if you choose to attend.
In earlier years, I could never pinpoint what I wanted to do (that’s the curse of a lifelong dabbler). But with flowers, I create momentary masterpieces. I can awaken the senses and honor a memory. In my garden, I can give back to the earth what I take from her.
Thank you for being a part of my story. Thank you for letting me be a part of yours.