In The Garden: April
“Will somebody wear me to the fair?
(To the morning, sing a lovely flower)
Will a lady pin me in her hair?
(Mmm hmm hmm)
Will a child find me by a stream?
(In the lovely, in the sunny shower)
Oooh, kiss my petals, weave me through a dream”
April rushed in with seemingly endless tulips, all harvested and stored for our first wedding of the year. And of course barely documented.
Deliciously cool weather coupled with days of pure sunshine made us linger in the garden, spying every corner, wondering and dreaming. We added many hellebore to our shade garden, scattering the native plants where we could enjoy them the most. Lilac season felt the shortest it ever has, but this first bloom in years on my ‘Belle De Nancy’ was mesmerizing! We have it caged to keep the deer from grazing on it.
I hope you enjoy these glimpses of the garden—what we consider the last of the spring flowers that really speak to cool nights and the promise of warmer days ahead. Peonies and garden roses are just around the bend!
Lilac ‘Belle de Nancy’, bridal wreath spirea and woodland phlox on April 16, 2023
Narcissus ‘Stainless’ on April 16, 2023
Muscari growth and harvest, April 16 & April 25, 2023
Allium and phlox varieties with bearded iris, catmint and peony in the cottage border on April 25, 2023
Dianthus ‘Sweet White’ on April 25, 2023
The first bearded iris varieties to unfurl on April 25 & April 27, 2023
Inside the cutting garden—marjoram in our raised vegetable box, bachelor’s buttons, foxglove seedlings, allium and rosebuds on April 25, 2023
Shade garden details of variegated Solomon’s Seal and Dicentra on April 25, 2023
Sweet pea trellis, clematis on our obelisk and the first peony sighting on April 25, 2023